California Green Building
California Green Building Codes
The State of California has enacted Green Building Codes for both Residential and Non-Residential newly constructed buildings. Three Courses have been designed for Raters and Local Building Officials to have a basic understanding if the green codes, their scope, and how Raters can become of assistance to builders and building officials.
Shades of Green
There are multiple approaches to reach the goal of being Green. Architects, Builders, and Energy Consultants alike are interested in what approach they should take. By seeing the different approaches compared side by side we can get a better understanding of what direction we want to go.
This class will make take an overview look at: CalGREEN Code USGBC LEED EnergySTAR Green Point Rated Homes
Overview of the California Green Code
Training offer classes that cover both the Residential & Nonresidential side of the California Green Code.
California has passed a leading state code that addresses multiple areas of the building approach. This is all in an effort to become more green. This class covers areas of the code that HERS raters and building officials need to become more proficient at the CalGREEN code.
Discussions include coverage of the Mandatory Measures for Stormwater management, Indoor Water Use, Energy Code compliance, Air Sealing, Construction Waste Management and more. A follow up discussion will cover the Tier 1 & Tier 2 sections of the code.