MI-BEST A+ Specialized Performance Training

What is MI-BEST A+ Training

Wollin Group, Inc MI-BEST A+ brings you real-time training and experience to the Professional many training operations focus on providing a web only or lecture focused training environment. The objective of the WGI hands-on series MI-BEST A+ is to couple lecture material with an integrated hands-on environment. The difficulty of any hands on training is to provide an environment that stimulates trainees and provides multiple situations that challenge and expose them to various levels of experiences and problem solving in real time. The MI-BEST A+ curriculum is centered on skill sets that HERS raters and energy auditors need to know and be familiar with. The training also provides opportunities to advance professional skill sets in using performance based equipment in methods and advanced techniques that further open the door to the world of performance and investigative problem solving.

MI-BEST A+ Possibilities

Working with the MI-BEST A+ Trainer provides the building professional an opportunity to learn and practice techniques that might take many homes to experience and troubleshoot. MI-BEST A+ has been designed to provide the professional with variable building scenarios to enhance learning take away.

  • When filters are changed what can happen to static pressure and airflow?
  • How does ductwork on ventilation fans affect airflow?
  • How do ECM blowers react when performing airflow analysis?
  • What happens as the refrigerant charge changes? Experience results in real time.
  • Refrigerant Charge, what happens as airflow changes?
  • Duct Tightness and Infiltration Testing.

Two fully operational furnaces, providing opportunities to experience how ECM blowers differ from standard blower motors and differing combustion analysis techniques.

And much more!

MI-BEST A+ Bringing Real-time Training and Experience

Training programs are designed to refresh accredited BPI Contractors, Energy Analysts and Inspectors with testing procedures for the Energy Upgrade California Program, or assist Certified HERS Raters in procedures that may be unfamiliar or rarely used.
The Energy Upgrade California and Advanced Homes program participants may benefit from all or portions of this hands-on training.
Individuals who take part in the training will have the opportunity to use both Retrotec and Energy Conservatory equipment. We are currently working with other equipment suppliers so trainees will have the opportunity to work with real equipment in real time.