Residential Water Conservation

March 17, 2016 @ 8:00 am โ€“ 12:00 pm
SCE Energy Education Center, Irwindale
6090 N Irwindale Ave
Irwindale, CA 91702

Class Overview: Long-term forecasts point to persistent drought conditions in California for 2015 and beyond. Residential water conservation will become increasingly important as the state faces shortages. This course covers traditional and new methods for water conservation, emerging technologies, efficient appliances and standards including the new DOE water heater standards, and residential (and commercial) incentive programs across utilities in Southern California. Landscaping alternatives: xeriscaping, water conservation drips tapes, timers, controllers, etc.

Objectives: Understand importance of residential water conservation in California. Gain knowledge about efficient conservation technologies and techniques. Gain awareness of residential water conservation programs in Southern California.

Audience: Building contractors; building professionals; residential DIY consumers; building department officials; energy efficiency professionals

About the Author Gary Wollin

Wollin Group, Inc we strive to provide with the MI-BEST Training the building and HVAC industry with assistance in energy efficient design and installation, sustainable construction options, and building procedures that promote durability and occupant comfort. As buildings continue to become more performance oriented, the details and materials used in the construction process become increasingly important both in choice and integration.